Hi Leonie, how do you usually start in a Service Design project?
You have defined your target group. What is the next step?
What do you look for when creating a persona?
Grisha, how do you build a customer journey?
What other methods do you use in a service design process?
Welke andere methoden gebruiken jullie in een service design traject?
One of the methods we are increasingly using is experience interviews. This is a semi-structured interview where we start by having the respondent draw an experience curve. In this curve, they indicate how they experience the service and where their experience is positive or negative. It gives us a bit more structure and a nice opening point to continue asking about the highs and lows of their experience.
We also use different brainstorming methods to come up with solutions from different angles. Reverse brainstorming is a personal favourite in which you start thinking about 'the reverse solutions', or what you can do to cause the problems we have identified. It is a method that cleverly exploits the human reflex to think in problems rather than solutions.
The Service blueprint is the final deliverable of a Service Design process. Starting from a Customer Journey in which all opportunities are included, we analyse all the underlying processes needed to bring this journey to a successful conclusion. This goes a lot further than just the experience and considers which systems, data, hardware and software are important in providing the most optimal service.